Genre: Alt Universe Fic


One minute, Mr. Nydick was rubbing Jessica’s shoulders, in a wholly inappropriate way, under the guise of demonstrating… something about the Civil War, the next he wasn’t.

Every person outside of the students of Sweet Valley Middle School vanishes from Sweet Valley. They’re just gone. And now people are developing strange powers. Inevitably, with these fight-happy idiots, it’s going to be a bloodbath.

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Philadelphia to LA in Too Many Miles

Carla started this “every girl a slayer” thing, and every so often I come up with a character I’d like to see as a slayer. This time it’s TK from Boy Meets World aged around 16. Written using 50 random prompts

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Need To Destroy

This is a series of short fics set after the events in “Consequences”. Imagine Buffy walked Faith home instead of running off to Giles that night. This is my take on what might have happened. The titles are lyrics from “Need To Destroy” by THC.

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My Best Friend’s Wedding

My Best Friend’s Wedding/BtVS crossover, answer to a challenge from Liv, in which you have to use the plot of MBFW, using only Buffy and Faith, and no other characters from the Buffyverse, you must remove the supernatural elements, and a whole bunch of other stuff which is mentioned in the notes!

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