
Star is activated as a slayer. Drabble.


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Length: , words

Notes: Carla is writing fics where girls from different fandoms are being activated as slayers due to the finale of Buffy. I got sudden inspiration for a drabble for Star from The Lost Boys.

Also, the word count sometimes flubs punctuation when counting, but it really is 100 words.

It made far more sense when Faith explained it all to her. Now, repeating the words to Michael, Sam and the Frogs, Star thinks she’s getting it all wrong. She tries to remember how Faith went from “one girl in the world” to “the chosen two” to “every potential is chosen”.

She knows she’s completely failed in her explanation, probably side-tracked by Faith’s tale of a nice man who became a big snake or the shocking anecdote of a former principal who “rocked more than the headboard” for Faith.

Edgar sighs and asks, “You couldn’t have done this in 1987?”