Pairing: Buffy Summers/Faith Lehane

Nightmares and Dreamscapes

Buffy and Faith are sent to Springwood, Ohio to stop a demon that seems to be killing teenagers in their sleep. A Nightmare on Elm Street/Buffy crossover.

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Hug and Share and Learn and Grow

This is my take on what happened in Sunnydale, while Willow, Angel, Spike and Gabe went to Santa Carla. If you haven’t read “Forever Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be” or the beginning of “Friendship Ain’t All It’s Cracked Up To Be” by Carla this probably won’t make much sense. I strongly suggest you do read them!

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Need To Destroy

This is a series of short fics set after the events in “Consequences”. Imagine Buffy walked Faith home instead of running off to Giles that night. This is my take on what might have happened. The titles are lyrics from “Need To Destroy” by THC.

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