Series: The Mighty Queertet

Harry Potter and the Mighty Queertet (co-written with Victory Thru Tears)

Ducks/Harry Potter Crossover. AU in the Queertet series – after Breeze, but ignores Sun.

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Sun (co-written with Victory Thru Tears)

Freshman year is finally over! The Queertet is ready for vacation, and are eager to get themselves out of the mess they made during Spring Break.

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Snow (co-written with Victory Thru Tears)

What is the fate of the Ducks, now that all is out in the open? How will the Ducks stay together when some of them can’t even bear to be around the ‘Queertet’?

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Smoke (co-written with Victory Thru Tears)

Charlie and Adam have always been close, but just how close? Is Fulton the only one that notices? And now that Banks is back on JV, are things going to be the same?

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